Dental check up and preventive dentistry

In the initial visit, we will check your teeth, gums and the soft tissues in your mouth.

Radiographs are generally required to diagnose decay between the teeth, below the restorations,abscess,cysts  and if there is any bone loss around teeth from gum disease. At Brisbane Street Dental we use digital radiographs.

Following the examination, a thorough treatment plan and estimate will be provided based on the findings from the examination and the dental concerns raised by you. We will discuss alternate treatment options and cost of the treatment with you, followed by booking the necessary appointments.

Routine dental checkup is recommended every 6 months. Preventive dentistry includes- Regular dental checkup, Scale and clean if required. Oral hygiene instructions. Fluoride treatment and Fissure sealants to seal the fissures on your teeth to prevent dental caries.

Fissure seals

Teeth have natural groves on the biting surfaces called fissures which can trap food. They can be difficult to clean thoroughly which makes them prone to decay. Fissure seals are simple, painless and extremely effective in reducing the risk of decay. A special material called sealant is applied to a cleaned and dried tooth, and is set in seconds. The best time to provide this treatment is just after the permanent (adult) tooth has erupted, as this maximises the protection of the tooth.

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