Children’s services

Our philosophy is to make the dental experience for your children as fun as possible so they form a good relationship with dentists for life.

We recommend that you play dentist at home with them, to simulate a dental environment. Make it fun, where they can take turns being the dentist and patient. Then you can count and look at each other’s teeth whilst using the lap to simulate lying back in the dental chair. When speaking to your child about the visit, use phrases such as “the visit is going to be awesome and fun” and “he’s going to count your teeth like we did at home”. Avoid saying things like, “the dentist is not going to hurt you”, or “there is nothing to worry about”.

So bring your children along to your next dental visit, even if they are only 12 months old. We can provide you with a lot of useful information to keep their teeth healthy. Then bring them every time after so they become comfortable with the environment.

Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

The federal government has created a scheme to help ensure children from the age of 2-17 are able to access dental services. Medicare will cover the cost of most dental procedures to a maximum of $1013 per 2 year period. You may have received a letter from Medicare which explains your eligibility, ask us when you visit us.

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