Wisdom Tooth Removal

Posted on July 1, 2022


Wisdom tooth removal is the surgery to remove the third set of molars, known as wisdom teeth, is commonly performed between the ages of 17 and 25. The majority of people have at least one impacted wisdom teeth, which means it lacks adequate space to develop normally. You can prevent them from harming the neighbouring teeth and bones by having your wisdom teeth removed—either because an impaction has been found or because there is a chance they could create problems.

The final teeth to erupt are the wisdom teeth, which erupt at the rear of your gums. The average person has four wisdom teeth (1 in each corner).

Typically, wisdom teeth begin to erupt through the gums in late adolescence or early adulthood. There may not always be enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt correctly by this time because the other 28 adult teeth are typically in position.
Wisdom teeth can occasionally erupt at an angle or get trapped and only partially emerge due to a lack of room. Impacted wisdom teeth are those that erupt in this way.

Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

During frequent visits and with the use of dental X-rays, your dentist will keep an eye on the growth of your wisdom teeth. If they have been impacted, they could talk about removing them. Plaque can accumulate around the edge of the wisdom teeth as a result of food particles and germs becoming stuck there.

• Dental decay (dental caries)

• Gum illness (also called gingivitis or periodontal disease)

• Periodontitis, which occurs when plaque infects the soft tissue around a tooth.

• Cellulitis, a bacterial throat, tongue, or cheek infection

• Abscess – a bacterial infection that results in a build-up of pus in your wisdom teeth or the tissue around them.

• Cysts and benign growths: Cysts are extremely unusual to form on wisdom teeth that haven’t broken through the gum (a fluid-filled swelling)

Antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwash are effective treatments for many of these issues.

When previous therapies have failed, removal of the wisdom teeth is typically advised.

How to remove wisdom teeth ?

You will often receive an explanation of the process prior to the operation, and you could be required to sign a permission form.

To numb the region around the tooth, a local anaesthetic injection is often administered to you. Just before the tooth is pulled, you may experience some pressure as your dentist or oral surgeon has to enlarge the tooth socket by rotating the tooth back and forth.

Sometimes it’s essential to make a little cut in the gum, and the tooth might need to be broken up into smaller pieces before being extracted.

A wisdom tooth extraction can take anything from a few minutes to twenty minutes, or perhaps much longer.

You can experience inflammation and pain both within and outside of your mouth after having your wisdom teeth removed. On rare occasions, some bruising is also discernible. The first three days are often the worst, although it can linger for up to two weeks.

Potential dangers

Surgery to remove wisdom teeth may result in the following complications:

• Dry socket, a severe disease that can develop if an extraction site blood clot becomes dislodged after surgery, exposing the bone and nerves underlying

• Anxious nerves

• Sinus issues

• Infection


At Brisbane st dental, we perofrm routine check-ups to advanced dental procedures including cosmetic dentistry, tooth extractions and implants, we take great pride in the excellence of our dentistry and strive to make your visit a pleasant experience in our friendly,relaxing and caring environment.

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